Observations of a Non-Scientist about Sustainable Living, Renewable Energy and the Power of the Sun.

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-Ethiopian proverb

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“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, December 21, 2012

Biofuel - Passage of Defense Department authorization bill clears way for biofuel industry growth

WASHINGTON///December 21, 2012///Congress on Friday gave its clear endorsement to the military’s advanced biofuels programs, passing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) without including controversial proposals that would have banned the Department of Defense from expanding its use of advanced biofuels.

After passage, Environmental Entrepreneurs co-founder Nicole Lederer made the following statement:

“This is good for the military, but it’s also good for our economy and our environment.

Just like it did with industries ranging from aviation to the Internet, the military is leading the country on deploying advanced biofuels. By turning back short-sighted attempts that would have kept the military dependent on a single fuel source – oil – Congress has cleared the way for the Department of Defense to continue to make investments in advanced biofuels that will have positive impacts on the industry and our economy.”

According to a recent E2 report, more than 14,000 jobs and about $10 billion-plus in economic activity could be created if the military meets its previously announced biofuels goals. The Air Force and Navy – two of the biggest users of oil in the world – want to get 50 percent of their fuel from advanced biofuels by 2020.

And for more details on the military’s clean energy initiatives, see here.

Environmental Entrepreneurs is a national community of business leaders who promote sound environmental policy that builds economic prosperity. E2 is the independent business voice for the environment. Go to www.e2.org for more information.

CONTACT: Bob Keefe at (202) 289-2373 or bkeefe@e2.org or Jeff Benzak (202) 289-6868 at jbenzak@e2.org.

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